It has already been two years since I got my white iPad 2 (32GB Wifi). I have thought about writing about it, but never got around to it (so many apps so little time) but now I think I should for those who don’t have an iPad (or other tablet) yet. Started this Blog a year ago, returning to the concept and finishing up.
First I would like to say I am not a regular user. I’m a heavy tryout user of many apps and still rely on my Desktop PC (also for iTunes, the official music, video, podcast and app-management from Apple required for all iDevices). I use app-guides from and the app “Apps Gone Free“.
Currently I have more than 3400 apps in my iTunes, which means I need to select which ones I want to be installed on my iPad, and iPhone 5.
(Note: unfortunately my daughters 4 year old iPhone 3G with iOS 4.2 is no longer supported, meaning most of the old apps no longer work).
For normal iPad users I would recommend the following (essential) apps:
– Dropbox (a cloud-storage service: synchronize files between your devices: smartphone, desktop & laptop)
– Evernote: voice, picture, text or webclip note-taking & cloud-storage (retrieve & sync notes on all your devices)
– Goodreader: (~€4,49) PDF and document reader + annotation tool, + ability to login to NAS & secure websites)
– iThoughtsHD (~€3,99) Mindmap tool with support and export for multiple formats + cloudsync
– Notability (~€2,79) PDF sorting and annotation & structured notes (text, draw and audio) in folders for projects
– Pages: (~€8,99) The official iPad wordprocessor, visually( WYSIWYG) oriented
– Camera+ (~€1,79) camera-app & picture editor with zoom, filters and cropping) will be sufficient in 95% of the image adjustment needs